Ways to get the original dissertation methodology template for free

If you are looking for an amazing dissertation template for the methodology section of your dissertation then try these simple ways to find exactly what you need.
Finding a really good template will help you organise your work and give you the confidence complete your paper.

  1. Check the instructions. Essentially all methodologies should contain the same information. But it is important to read through the instructions that you have been given by your school as there may be differences to the word count or other criteria in each section.
  2. Look at some samples At this point it can be a big help to familiarise yourself with the contents of the methodology section. Focus in particular on the way that information in the Introduction section should not be repeated in the methodology section.
  3. Introduction v MethodologyKeep in mind that the introduction section will have included information about your plans and why you have chosen to focus on a particular area of study, including an overview of the situation. This information should not be repeated in the methodology section.
  4. Seek out academic support sites Make sure that the keywords that you use include 'template', otherwise you will find a mountain of information about writing the methodology that is interesting but not what you are looking for at this time. Be specific about what you are looking for.
  5. Templates Can be found in the form of checklists with appropriate examples, but they can also be found in the form of u-tube tutorials. These are really helpful as you can play them back as often as you like and they may be additional hints and tips that are very useful.
  6. Access a template first. Start looking for a template that will suit your needs before you start to work on writing up your methodology. Familiarise yourself with the contents of the template so when you start writing you will be able to show a progression linked information
  7. Project Diary. If you develop a project diary then this will help you even more when it comes to writing your methodology. Using a project diary means that you will not have waste time searching for information, as your ideas, and thought processes will all have already been recorded.

Now you have the original template the process of writing the methodology section will be a lot easier and enjoyable.

